Custom Interview Guides

Optimize Hire provides a custom interview guide for each applicant who completes the pre-employment test to allow you to dive deeper.

Our interview guides are fully customizable and provide definitions of the traits assessed, a breakdown of the applicant’s assessment results, and follow-up questions to ask in the interview. Recruiters and hiring managers can also rate and take notes on applicants’ answers to the interview questions, which are saved instantly back into your Applicant Tracking System.

The Interview Guide

Candidate Name and Trait Definitions

The first page provides the candidate’s name and definitions for the traits assessed.

Candidate Name and Trait Definitions - Optimize Hire Custom Interview Guide.png

Candidate Information

The second page (optional) includes all the information the candidate provided in the application page stage before taking the pre-employment test.

Candidate Information - Optimize Hire Custom Interview Guide.png

Test score breakdown

The third page provides the candidate’s overall score and score breakdown of the traits assessed.

Test Score Breakdown - Optimize Hire Custom Interview Guide.png

Interview Questions

The middle pages provide custom interview questions based on the given applicant’s test scores. Recruiters and hiring managers can easily rate and take notes on the applicant’s answers.

Interview Questions - Optimize Hire Custom Interview Guide.png

Final Recommendation

The final page allows recruiters and hiring managers to give a recommendation on whether or not to hire the applicant based on their responses to the interview questions.

Final Recommendation - Optimize Hire Custom Interview Guide.png